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Write for Rights

Taylor Sahl

On Wednesday, December 6th, we marked International Human Rights Day with a WRITE FOR RIGHTS event in the Brainerd Room, sponsored by Oxford Nation. This was part of a global letter writing campaign, described by Amnesty International as follows:

“People in more than 200 countries and territories write millions of letters, emails, tweets and petitions for people who've been harassed, threatened, and locked up just for who they are. [These actions] put pressure on governments, leaders, and decision makers to make change happen--releasing activists and protecting people who champion what's right.”

The Oxford community joined this year's effort by signing and/or composing letters to authorities. We also signed letters of solidarity to remind families and imprisoned people that they are not alone. This was a great way for students to practice the Oxford value of Term II--kindness-- in a way that can make a difference in the world.

We are beyond grateful for the efforts of Oxford Nation — especially Kenneth K ‘24 and Ms. Clark — for organizing this event and for helping our community get involved in such an important movement.


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Created by

Alan X 

Managed by Mrs. Gilman 

Submissions are open (to students and teachers from The Oxford Academy)



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