Just like moons and like suns,
With the certainty of tides 1
Always inside me is the child who died,
Always inside me is his will to die 2
Dying is an art, like everything else.
I do it exceptionally well 3
So it came time for me to cede myself 4
There’s an inverse world, where the insane go sane
And in the evening the sun is just rising 5
The wild earth for a moment goes in dust or weed another way 6
There are no eyes here 7
There is no Space or Time
Only intensity 8
And you o my soul where you stand, surrounded, detached, in measureless oceans of space 9
I had a small, non-speaking part
In a bloody epic 10
I bear it nobly as I live my part 11
Yet, never, in extremity,
it asked a crumb- of Me 12
Someone says “You’re in the wrong place my friend,
You better leave” 13
Wake up refreshed as fish dropped back into a forest pond 14
I hardly taste you at all, for I know your savor;
But I am completely nourished 15
So long as men can breathe or eyes can see,
So long lives this, and this gives life to thee. 16
Yet knowing how way leads on to way 17
The powerful play goes on 18
Still I Rise- Maya Angelou
Night Sweat- Robert Lowell
Lady Lazarus-Sylvia Plath
Mansion- A.R. Ammons
Anti-matter- Russell Edson
Much in Little- Yvor Winters
The Hollow Men- T.S. Elliot
There is no life or death- Mina Loy
A noiseless patient spider- Walt Whitman
Cameo Appearance- Charles Simic
The White City- Claude McKay
“Hope” is the thing with feathers- Emily Dickinson
Desolation Row- Bob Dylan
Domestic Bliss- John Yau
A Decade- Amy Lowell
Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare
The Road Not Taken- Robert Frost
O Me O Life- Walt Whitman