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10 Things You Need to Know Before Reading or Watching 13 Reasons Why

Oxford Writer

1. Suicide is never a solution. It is an irreversible choice regarding a temporary problem. There is help. If you are struggling with thoughts of suicide or know someone who is, talk to a trusted adult, call 1-800-273-TALK (8255), or text "START" to 741741.

2. Don't be afraid to talk to your friends about how they feel and let them know you care about them.

3. Be an "upstander" and take actions to reduce bullying and increase positive connections among others. Report concerns.

4. Never promise to keep secret behaviors that represent a danger toward another person.

5. Suicide is preventable. People considering suicide typically say something or do something that is a warning sign. Always take warning signs seriously and know the warning signs.

-Suicide threats, both direct ("I am going to kill myself.") and indirect ("I wish I could fall asleep and never wake up."). Can be verbal, written, or posted online.
-Suicide notes and planning, including online postings.
-Preoccupation with death in conversation, writing, drawing, and social media.
-Changes in behavior, appearance/hygiene, thoughts, and/or feelings.
-Emotional distress.

6. Separate myths and facts.

7. MYTH: Talking about suicide will make someone choose death by suicide who has never thought about it before. FACT: There is no evidence to suggest that talking about suicide plants the idea. Talking with your friend about how they feel and letting them know that you care about them is important. This is the first step in getting your friend help.

8. MYTH: People who struggle with depression or other mental illness are just weak. FACT: Depression and other mental illnesses are serious health conditions and are treatable.

9. MYTH: People who talk about suicide won't really do it. FACT: People, particularly young people who are thinking about suicide, typically demonstrate warning signs. Always take these warning signs seriously.

10. Never leave the person alone; seek out a trusted adult immediately. School-employed mental health professionals like your school guidance counselor or nurse are trusted sources of help.

The information above is from the National Associations of School Psychologists: nap://


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